Late for Vehicle Return

Nov 09, 2023

Late for Vehicle Return

If you are going to be late returning your KINTO vehicle attempt, we recommend you attempt to extend your reservation through the KINTO app. Review this article for instructions on how to extend your reservation.

If you are unable to extend the reservation, you do have a grace period of 59 minutes. Once you are late by 60 minutes late return fee charges will be charged to your card on file. At the 60-minute mark you will be charged an initial late fee of $50 and $25 for the first hour late. For every hour late after that you will be charged $25, this will continue until you reach the maximum late fee of $100 (4 hours late). At that time additional penalties will be assessed, and the vehicle could be reported stolen and your KINTO account will be suspended. 


If you are more than 4 hours late, your account will be suspended, and additional fees could be incurred. 


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